Monday, 20 July 2015

Endless life

Stan, however, argued that living on, perhaps forever (provided he were free of sickness and infirmities), would be an excellent thing. Destruction cannot touch it. In so doing, may we come to dwell still more deeply in the living experience of Truth that early Friend William Penn, drawing on a passage from Paul’s letter to the Hebrews, called “the power of an endless life” . The idea of sharing also led to the tangential promotion "Buy A Burger, Give a Burger" or "Jump Burger," which launches today as well.

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But take death, as Christ teaches us, not as a full stop, but as only a comma in the story of an endless life, and then the whole aspect of our existence is changed. There is also a section for reflections, quotations, and resources from Friends and others whose guidance and reflections I’ve found useful in the journey of ministry. Virtue often is defeated.

Endless form Charles Darwin on Pinterest | Charles Darwin, Graphic ...

The Cranach painting led Stan and me into a discussion of whether we would like to extend the length of our lives, if such a thing were possible. My faith community has released me for ministry encouraging the future of the Quaker movement. So, if looking good, feeling great and living healthy is important to you, then Endless Youth and Life is for you.

Here then, in the "power of an endless life," I find the corner-stone of peace on earth among men of good-will Take this mortal life as a thing of seventy years, more or less, to which death puts a final period, and you have nothing but confusion, chance and futility, -- nothing safe, nothing realized, nothing completed. That which is spiritual, noble, good, rises to lead us on.

To deny this instinct is to deny that which lies at the very root of our life. The manner of His appearance, to Mary Magdalene, to His disciples, is not the most important thing. On this site, you’ll find my blog, as well as selected writings, audio, video, and images from the exercise of this service. Life, he said, was so enjoyable, that he never wanted it to end.

An Endless Life Search Primary Menu Skip to content WelcomeBlogAboutSelected WritingAudioImagesVideoIn Others’ Words Search for: Welcome My name is Noah. If love perishes with death, then our affections are our worst curses, the world is the cruellest torture-house, and "all things work together for evil to those who love." Do you believe it? Is it possible? Nay, all that is best and noblest and purest within us rejects such a faith in Absolute Evil as the power that has created and rules the world. Helping you feel your best is Endless Youth and Life's Number One Priority. and miles to go before I sleep TwitterMy TweetsCommunities New England Yearly Meeting Putney Friends Meeting Quaker Voluntary Service The Twenty Fourteen Theme. Loving and being loved, we dare to stand in the very doorway of the tomb, and assert the power of an endless life.

Now comes Easter with its immortal promise and assurance, Jesus of Nazareth, who died on Calvary, a martyr of humanity, a sacrifice of Divinity, is alive and appears to His humble followers. In a time of unprecedented challenge and change in our world, my prayer is that my small contribution helps awaken our hearts to the Life that is closer to us than breath, and to the Truth that is most deeply real. He who was crucified in the cause of righteousness and mercy, lives on and forever. Let’s travel together on a journey of rediscovery – reclaiming the living Quaker tradition of ministry in light of today’s needs. In the presence of love we feel that we behold that which must belong to a good God and therefore cannot die. The grave cannot hold it. Endless Youth and Life is committed to finding superior all-natural products that will meet your specific health needs. I said that the foreseeable end did not frighten or worry me; on the contrary, I liked the idea of living with a conclusion in mind, and compared an immortal life to an endless book which, however charming, would end up being tiresome. The fact is that He did appear. Blog at

Why endless apps during a time when there is so much chatter about healthy eating? Brian Gies, chief marketing officer of TGI Fridays, said that customers are sharing food and snacking more often, which was a motivating factor in bringing "Endless Appetizers" back. That which is material, base, evil, drops down. The message of His resurrection is "the power of an endless life.". Evil often triumphs.

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