I hope that you can see from the above Biblical signs of the end times that our generation is truly living in the last days, nearing the second coming of Christ Jesus. This will help in bringing in a "unified" currency to help make it possible to enforce the mark of the beast. Today, there are currently around 40 conflicts and wars raging all around the world (Source). Ethnic cleansing and religious warfare are each a sign of the end-times, when they become more widespread than in times past.
![Are We Living in the End Times Videos](http://www.knowthebible.net/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/arewelivingintheendtimespic.jpg.w300h165.jpg)
If I were to tell you that the 7 year period were to begin in 1997, or 2008, or 2025, what effect would that have on your life decisions with regards to marriage, children, college, a career, or work? Many, in times past, have seriously erred by selling possessions and heading off to some mountaintop to await God's coming; and they were all in error. The world is being turned upside down and we need to get ready! If you are not a Christian and you realize that we are living in the end times and are wondering what you need to do, then please click here to see what you must do to be saved. We are living in a time like no other. Technology isn't the mark, but technology is needed for proper enforcement of it. I don't know what happened to most of them, but I know that they were wrong and had wrong attitudes. But taking all the other signs together will show us how close we are to the second coming of Christ Jesus, the Son of the living God, and the end of the world.
![We are living in the Bible End times on Pinterest | Trumpets, The ...](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/54/58/7c/54587c5da58ca6efcf98bf995d979cdf.jpg)
We will not address here all of the many geophysical and even societal and cultural "perilous times" signals we see all around us in this generation. This has resulted in HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people being killed in wars like World War I, World War II, Russian Civil War, Congo War, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq, etc. We will look at specific major events scheduled to unfold. Jesus said that there would be increased warfare and peoples' love would grow cold because of crime and warfare until people fled back to their own homelands. Knowledge of prophecy should propel us to live a godly life without fear, not seek to avoid the circumstances of life out of selfish desires. And in 2011, armed conflicts greatly increased according to this report.
![End Times: How Close Are We? - Watch Us - TBN Programs](http://www.tbn.org/watch/images/programs/End%20Times%20-%20How%20Close%20Are%20We.jpg)
But, praise God, we are told that there will be some very positive spiritual signs in the end times. In the 1970's, I knew a number of people who put off college, a family, or training because they were totally convinced that the second coming of Jesus was near. He is about to return to bring judgment upon the whole world.
Ethnic warfare, religious warfare, tribal warfare, and land disputes are all reasons why there are a huge number of small-scale wars going on right now. Give your heart to Christ Jesus. However, the hundreds of prophetic passages in the Bible give us clear signs to know the times that would precede the 7 year period.
Many people say that this isn't a sign of the end times, because there have been wars since the beginning. I believe that God has not told us the exact year of the beginning of the end-times period in order that there wouldn't be so many crazy people doing crazy things. The most important one that is prophesied in many places is a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28-29).
And so you have it — six different categories of signs, each category containing many prophecies concerning the end times, all of which are being fulfilled before our very eyes. Let me conclude by specifically listing 50 of those prophecies.
He had been assigned the topic, "The Signs of the Times." He began his presentation by observing, "Sixty years ago when I first started preaching, you had to scratch around like a chicken to find one sign of the Lord's soon return."
So this alone confirms that we are living in the end times. Yes there have been wars since the beginning, but when you look at the frequency and intensity of wars, then it's plain to see that this is a sign of the times we are living in.
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